VladimÃr Å trbák
Scientific Researcher
Slovak Medical University
VladimÃr Å trbák,MD and DSc., has completed his study in Bratislava. He was Director of the Inst. Exp. End.SAS, Head of Pathological Physiology, Slovak Med. Univ., president of the Slovak Physiological Society, Council Member FEPS, chair of the Scientfic Board of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for Medical Sciences, Council Member of the International Society for Pathophysiology. Published 118 PuBMed papers. Organized series of symposia on Hormones in Milk (5) and Cell volume and function (2) and FEPS meeting in Bratislava. He served as Organizing Committee member of the 6th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo in Dubai (2015).
Research Interest
Endocrinology, Diabetes, Cell volume regulation and its relation to functions